Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The night before.....

I knew I wanted to share some of my neighbor gift ideas but I did not want to take my family blog and fill it with my ideas so I started a new blog to help share these ideas. This 12 days of Christmas Gift ideas is intended to help you come up with some simple ideas of things that you can make and share with those that you love. These are not all My ideas I hope to give links of share where I got the ideas but I am not perfect and my mind is not as sharp as it use to be. If you have an idea that you want to share please email me I would love to post it and give you the credit we can also link other Christmas sites to this one. I will start my first post on Thursday until then.


Maddie's HandiWorks said...

I am so excited to do this. I am making the shopping list today. Do you do it in a big batch? Have you figured out the proportions for a big batch? Neighbors are getting this. Thank you Thank you.

Valerie Bishop said...
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Valerie Bishop said...

Beautiful page and great idea! I think I will make these for my husband to give at work. Thank you!